Marketing Strategy to Increase Occupancy Rate at The Jayakarta Lombok Beach Resort & Spa, West Nusa Tenggara


  • Annisa Ramadhanty The Wing Ed Hotel
  • I Ketut Suarja The Wing Ed Hotel
  • Made Sudiarta The Wing Ed Hotel
  • Indah Utami Chaerunnisah The Wing Ed Hotel



hotel, occupancy rate, SWOT analysis, marketing mix, marketing strategy


Purpose: This research aimed to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of marketing strategies in increasing occupancy rate at the Jayakarta Lombok Beach Resort & Spa, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.

Research methods: The analysis techniques used were quantitative Descriptive Analysis, Qualitative Descriptive Analysis, Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) Matrix, External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) Matrix, Internal - External (IE) Matrix, SWOT Analysis, and Quantitative Strategic Planning Analysis (QSPM) Matrix.

Findings: Based on the results of IFAS matrix analysis, the main strength wasobtaining benefits from room usagein line with the reality from which room sales couldincrease hotel revenue. Based on the results of EFAS matrix analysis, the main opportunity was the government's policy related to the COVID19 pandemic with use the hotel as a place of isolation.

Implication: The results of IE Matrix analysis put the company in the position of Growth Strategic (Cell II).


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How to Cite

Ramadhanty, A., Suarja, I. K. ., Sudiarta, M. ., & Chaerunnisah, I. U. . (2023). Marketing Strategy to Increase Occupancy Rate at The Jayakarta Lombok Beach Resort & Spa, West Nusa Tenggara. International Journal of Glocal Tourism, 3(4), 276-290.

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