Human Resources Efforts to Improve Employees Performance at JW Marriott Surabaya
human resources, human resource management, employee performanceAbstract
Purpose: Human resources are the first elements of an organization. This study aims to find out and analyze the efforts made by the Human Resouces department in improving the employees performance of JW Marriott Surabaya.
Research methods: Data collection techniques by using of observation, interviews, documentation, and studies literature. Data analysis in this study using qualitative method with technical tringulation analysis.
Findings: The results showed that performance improvement efforts began with employee selection, employee placement, training and development, discipline in employee attendance, and the provision of salaries and compensation to employees but the need for supervision, multiplying variants of methods in training, and acting decisively to employees who are less disciplined to existing regulations.
Implications: This research was conducted to Human Resources which is considered to know the efforts to improv-ing employees performance.
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