Developing Package Tours in Ekasari Tourist Village, Bali, Indonesia
package tour, dam, tourist attraction, tourist villageAbstract
Purpose: This article aims to discuss the development of package tours as an effort to develop tourism potential in Ekasari Tourist Village, Indonesia, Bali. Departing from this, the Department of Tourism, Politeknik Negeri Bali carried out a Community Service with the theme 'Day Tour Development at Palasari Dam, Ekasari Tourist Village’.
Research methods: The Community Service activities in Ekasari Tourist Village are divided into preparation, implementation, and evaluation stages. The methods used in this activity are presentations and simulations given by some experts from the Department of Tourism, Politeknik Negeri Bali.Findings: The development of package tours in Ekasari Tourist Village is strongly supported by the existence of several main tourist attractions in this village, including the Palasari Dam, Palasari Old Church and Goa Maria, and Cocoa Agrotourism. Pokdarwis (Kelompok Sadar Wisata or The Tourism Awareness Group) in the village involved are able to directly apply and practice the theories they have received in the community service activities.
Implications: Such a development is expected to be able to increase the insight and competence of the village community, especially the Tourism Awareness Group involved through package tours development training activities and guiding techniques, especially using foreign languages.
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