Waste Management for Food Waste Mitigation in Supporting Sustainable Tourism at Oolaa Bar and Restaurant, Kuta Lombok


  • Sudirman Sudirman Tourism Business Planning, Applied Master Program, Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Made Darma Oka Politeknik Negeri Bali
  • I Ketut Sutama Politeknik Negeri Bali


food waste, waste management, a la carte style, restaurant, tourism


Purpose: This research aims to investigate waste management as an effort to mitigate food waste at Oolaa Bar and Restaurant, a restaurant in Kuta Mandalika, Lombok, which uses an ala carte concept. By adopting an a la carte style approach in serving food, this restaurant emphasizes quality and an individual experience for each customer. However, the problem of food waste remains a challenge that needs to be overcome.

Research methods: This research uses a qualitative approach with a single case study design to explore in depth waste management practices at Oolaa Bar and Restaurant. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with management and key staff, participant observation, and analysis of related documents such as SOPs and restaurant operational records. Data analysis was carried out using a qualitative descriptive method, which involves the process of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.

Findings: The implementation of waste management to mitigate food waste at Oolaa Bar & Restaurant has proven effective in increasing operational efficiency and supporting environmental and social sustainability. By using the POAC (planning, organizing, actuating, controlling) approach, the restaurant has succeeded in designing and implementing a comprehensive and holistic strategy.

Implications: With significant operational cost efficiencies, Oolaa Bar & Restaurant is able to strengthen the economic dimension of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) principle. The savings achieved allow the restaurant to invest in other sustainability programs, such as employee training and social responsibility initiatives to the surrounding community.


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How to Cite

Sudirman, S., Oka, I. M. D. ., & Sutama, I. K. . (2024). Waste Management for Food Waste Mitigation in Supporting Sustainable Tourism at Oolaa Bar and Restaurant, Kuta Lombok. International Journal of Glocal Tourism, 5(2), 107-118. Retrieved from https://ejournal.sidyanusa.org/index.php/injogt/article/view/683

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