Revitalization of Aik Bukak Tourism Park Insfrastructure as a Sustainable Tourism Attraction in Central Lombok Regency
revitalization, sustainable tourism, tourism park, triple bottom lineAbstract
Purpose: This research focuses on the revitalization of Aik Bukak Tourism Park in North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, with a sustainable tourism approach. The revitalization is designed to increase tourist attraction, support the welfare of local communities, and preserve the environment.
Research methods: The research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach, involving in-depth interviews with various stakeholders as well as direct observations in the field to evaluate the impact of revitalization. The data collected was then analyzed based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) theory which integrates economic, social and environmental aspects. Findings: The revitalization has succeeded in improving infrastructure and public facilities, which has had a positive impact on the number of tourist visits and Regional Original Income (PAD). Empowering local communities through training and involvement in tourism destination management also contributes to increasing social welfare and economic independence. On the other hand, environmental preservation efforts are carried out through reforestation programs, more efficient waste management, and the application of ecotourism principles.
Implications: The revitalization is a reference for other tourist destinations that have similar characteristics, with a focus on long-term sustainability.
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