
When Submitting Articles, The Authors Must Pay Attention to:

  • The article that has been sent should be in accordance with the scope of Journal of Digital Law and Policy, the article which is not in accordance with the scope will be directly rejected. 
  • The Article should be written in English.
  • The article has not been sent and published to another journal in any media (printed or electronic). If there is any duplication of publishing, the article will be rejected or withdrawn. More information about the policy of article rejection and withdrawal can be seen here.
  • The result of plagiarism check uses Plagiarism Checker X with a maximum result of 25%, if more than 25% then the article will be returned to the author to be revised.
  • References used is a minimum of 15 with primary references sources about 80% and 20% secondary references sources with Chicago Manual of Style 17 th edition (full note, with Ibid.). The references should be in last decade and the references writing must use MENDELEY reference manager software. The article which makes manual references will be returned to the author to be revised.
  • The article is sent in word format with a total page between 8-15 pages, the excess page will be charged Rp. 100.000,- or US$ 10,00 or per page.
  • The article is made in accordance with Journal of Digital Law and Policy template.
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  • Articles received and published in Journal of Digital Law and Policy are FREE of charge, but if the Author wants a hardcopy/print out of the journal, a printing fee of Rp. 300,000 or US$ 30,00 (not including shipping costs).
  • Payment is made by bank transfer.