
Guidelines for using the OJS Krisnadana for Authors can be accessed via the following link

When Submitting Articles, Authors Must Consider:

  • The article submitted must be within the scope of the Krisnadana Journal (Computer, Control Systems, & Networks); articles outside the scope will be directly rejected.
  • The article must not have been previously submitted or published in any other journal (print or electronic). If there is publication duplication, the article will be rejected or retracted. Further information about the policy on rejections and retractions can be found here.
  • Plagiarism check results using Plagiarism Checker X must not exceed 15%; if it is higher, the article will be returned to the author for revision.
  • At least 10 references must be used with about 80% from primary sources and 20% from secondary sources, using Chicago Style IEEE (complete with Ibid.). References must be from the last decade, and reference writing must use the MENDELEY reference manager software. Articles with manually made references will be returned to the author for revision.
  • Articles should be submitted in Word format with a minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 10 pages; additional pages will incur a charge of IDR 100,000 per page.
  • The article must be prepared according to the template of the Krisnadana Journal (Computer, Control Systems, & Networks).
  • Authors must uphold copyright, privacy, and the ethics of scientific publication of the Krisnadana Journal (Computer, Control Systems, & Networks).
  • The first author is not allowed to publish in two consecutive publications.
  • No charges are levied for articles that are accepted and published in the Krisnadana Journal (Computer, Control Systems, & Networks); however, if the author desires a hardcopy/printout of the journal, a printing fee of IDR 300,000 is charged (excluding shipping costs).
  • Payments are to be made via bank transfer.