Classification of Banana Leaf Diseases Using a GoogleNet-Based Convolutional Neural Network Architecture


  • Nurul Arifin Teknik Informatika, Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia



Analysis Results, CNN Method, Classification, GoogleNet


Farmers generally identify the type of pest on banana leaves based on the size, shape, and color of the leaves alone. CNN GoogleNet architecture algorithm was used in this study to classify banana leaf disease and divide it into each class. This study was divided into 3 classes, namely healthy leaves, sigatoka, and Fusarium wilt. In summary, GoogleNet has five to thirteen layers. From the results of the analysis of the trial process that has been carried out from the research stage, from epoch 10 to 100 in summary from each experiment GoogleNet produced the best accuracy results model from batch size 35 and epoch 60 in the healthy leaf class produced an accuracy of 90.59%, epoch 80 in the layufusarium produced 90.30% and at epoch 70 in sigatoka produced 90.49%.


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How to Cite

Arifin, N. (2025). Classification of Banana Leaf Diseases Using a GoogleNet-Based Convolutional Neural Network Architecture. Krisnadana Journal, 4(2), 95-102.